OHS Central Region Seminar
You’re invited!
OHS Central Region Seminar 2013
October 5, 2013 – OHS Central Region Seminar – Paddle Your Own Canoe
Location: Canadian Canoe Museum, 910 Monaghan Rd, Peterborough, ON www.canoemuseum.ca
Please download the registration form: OHS Regional Seminar 2013
Completed registration forms and cheques can be mailed to:
Diana Gregg, 228 Carlisle Avenue, PeterboroughOntario, K9H 1J6
Phone: 705-740-2416
Registration fee $30.
Includes self-guided tour of the Canadian Canoe Museum and demonstrations by artisans and Andrea Graham. Morning refreshments provided. Lug a mug for tea and coffee. Bring your own lunch or visit restaurants nearby. Extra registration forms available at www.ohs.on.ca
Registration limited to 90. Registrants should find their own replacement if unable to attend.
OHS Region Seminar 2013 Program
Keynote Speaker: Andrea Graham, Feltmaker – Innovative Artist
Paddling Your Own Canoe
Andrea will take you on a visual paddle through her own artistic journey as she discusses how she has managed to chart her own course. Andrea will then present some thoughts and practical steps for giving yourself permission and motivation to paddle your own canoe.
About the Keynote Speaker
Andrea Graham is a feltmaker and educator residing in the Kingston area. Her organic sculpture and thought provoking installations that speak to the state of our environment have been exhibited and published internationally. When not preparing
for exhibitions, Andrea travels to teach or reaches her students via webcam.
Schedule – Saturday October 5, 2013
8:00 am – Registration and Vendors Open
9:00 am – Opening Remarks and Early Bird Draws
9:30 am – Keynote Speaker Andrea Graham (vendors closed; includes stretch break)
11:30 am – Door Prize Draws
12:00-1:00 pm – Lunch
12:00-3:30 pm – Vendors Open
1:00-2:30 pm – Tour of Museum and Demonstration Stations (including Andrea Graham demonstration)
2:30-3:00 pm – Pillow Challenge Prizes, Closing Remarks
3:30 pm – Vendors Closed
Pillow Challenge Contest
How do YOU paddle your own canoe?
Bring your decorative pillow/cushion, created using handwoven, handspun or felting techniques, in any size or shape, with or without embellishment. We will fill our canoe with YOUR creations inspired by YOUR own individuality.
People’s Choice Awards – 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes